Sunday, June 14, 2009

God's gift to Tivo and DVRs


The WD My DVR Expander is a standard eSATA external hard drive that also works beautifully with Tivo and several other common models of DVRs available from local cable providers.

I have Time Warner Cable service at home but my wife and I were always filling up the DVR built into our Time Warner Scientific Atlanta cable box. We kept filling up the DVR to 95-99 percent of maximum capacity and then having to delete old shows that we hadn't seen yet in order to make room for more shows.

After reading online that the WDG1S10000VN was compatible with our model of Scientific Atlanta cable box/DVR, we decided to give this gizmo a try. I followed the instructions (very important since the cable box is picky about how you connect a DVR expander) and then waited about 10 minutes while the cable box reset itself, formatted the DVR Expander, and then checked my DVR.

All our previously-recorded DVR shows were still there on the DVR, but when I checked the capacity of the DVR it had changed from 93 percent full to only 11 percent full! This is the greatest addition to our entertainment center since we purchased an HDTV!

Now my wife and I have space on our Time Warner DVR to record all our shows and we rarely ever fill our DVR past 15-18 percent of its new capacity. I can't say enough good things about this product. The only way it could be better is if cable companies gave you one for free when you get DVR service.

If you have a compatible DVR or Tivo and need more space to record your favorite shows, this is the best product I've seen. Buy one right away ... you'll be glad you did.

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