Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Buy Smoking Cessation Product for Great Gift

Nicorette Coated GumNicorette Coated Gum For those who smoke less than 25 cigarettes a day. Each piece contains: calcium (94 mg), sodium (11 mg).

Reviews Products

Great Flavor!
About a 3 months ago on a Sunday, my girlfriend Lisa decided she was going to quit smoking after a hard Saturday night of partying (with all the attendant drinking and smoking) and I decided I would try to be the good boyfriend and help her out. So off I went, down to the pharmacy and looked over the shelves of smoking stuff and finally decided that the gum looked like a pretty good way to go. I bought a box (took all the cash I had) and carted it home. She tried it for about a week and even though it was tough she said she didn't have a cigarette for the whole week.

Well the next Sunday I had a hangover and had cottonmouth to go with it so I went knocking around the house looking for a piece of gum and didn't find any regular gum so I thought `what the heck, this stuff can't taste that bad' and started chomping on a piece of the Nicorette gum. What a jolt! I suddenly felt like really awake and my headache sorta went by the way. I thought `wow, this stuff is pretty cool' and popped another one immediately. My headache was pretty much gone. I mean how awesome is that?

But now a couple of months later, I'm having a problem. I've never smoked a single ciggie but I gotta admit I think I'm hooked on this gum. It sorta sucks because I find that I'm like a closet chewer. I chew about ten a day (ok maybe a little more but certainly not 20 or anything like that) and I find myself putting the Nicorette into a Chiclets box so no one knows my little secret.

Well, the other day Jody (at work) saw me pop one in my mouth and asked if she could have one. I just sorta stood there stuttering like Porky Pig while my mind was racing trying to think of a reason I couldn't share a lousy piece of gum with her when, in a flash of brilliance, I decided just to drop them on the floor like it was an accident or something. I muttered some kind of lame apology while scooping them up and dumping them in the waste basket like they were contaminated (of course I went back later and picked them out.) Jody just sorta huffed off and now she gives me the eye, like I'm either really cheap or a total wack-a-doodle, every time I pass by her cubicle. I think Bob (my boss) saw me picking the gum out of the trash and who knows what he's thinking. He just shakes his head every time he sees me now.

Early one morning last week, my dog Tobie went sniffin around my trousers that were laying on the floor and ate a whole handful of them. He was so wired up that he just ran right through the screen door and I had to chase him all around the neighborhood until I finally cornered him behind the dumpsters at Dunkin Donuts. A crowd of early morning coffee drinkers started gathering around and were offering me advice and I think a couple of them were placing bets on whether or not Tobie had the moves. You should have seen the crazed (yet ecstatic) gleam in his eyes---man oh man, I hope he doesn't get a real hankering for them. It made me totally late for work and Bob (my boss) was like acting mad and being a real jerk to me all day long. I'll probably get fired if I don't shape up.

Anyway, things are really spiraling out of control. I spend lots of money on this gum and what's even more bizarre is that I'm almost positive that my girlfriend Lisa is sneaking ciggies on the side again. On the nights when she comes over and we're watching an episode of Lost or something and drinkin a few brews, she always disappears for about 5 minutes and then swigs some Listerine before coming back. While she's gone (doing whatever!) I always run to my stash and pop down a couple of Nicorettes and start chewing like a madman constantly looking at my watch (I give myself exactly 4 minutes) and then go running back to the couch and act like nothin's up. It's really whacked! Neither of us can look each other in the eye for the next hour.

Last night when Lisa got up off the couch (I figured for a ciggie), I went truckin into the bedroom for a little chew when suddenly, at about the 3 minute mark, she comes into the room all bubbly and stuff and decides to heck with TV, it's time for some real fun. Well, I'm not one to argue with that I can tell you, but I had to swallow (yes swallow!) the darned gum. About an hour later, I stumbled like a real palooka into the can and blew chow. This can't go on---my life is starting to feel like a train wreck. I keep telling myself I can quit at any time and that what I'm feeling aren't really cravings but I'm not so sure any more.

I'm still gonna give it 5 stars (because at least Lisa is down to just a few stolen puffs here and there) but I swear, I'm thinking of taking UP smoking just to kick the gum habit. Besides, I think Tobie is still sneaking around at night stealing some out of my pants pocket---he won't look me in the eye either!

Steve and Tobie from Belchertown, MA

helped me quit!
I was a smoker for ten years and this product helped me quit. If nothing else, it will help you transfer your addiction from the nicotine in cigarettes to the nicotine in the gum.

Quite easy to use: chew until it burns and "park" it between your gums and cheek. Each piece is individually wrapped. I used to carry three pieces on me a day and use one piece about every eight hours (sure, towards the end most of the nicotine was gone but never underestimate the placebo effect, eh?).

Only bad thing is you can't drink anything while the gum's in your mouth because it'll erode the nicotine. Although you can take the gum out of your mouth (the plastic container also doubles as storage- just remember to peel off all the bits of tin foil that may touch the gum).

Shop for Smoking Cessation Products from a huge selection of Nicorette Store; best prices, reviews and product ratings.

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